Completed Student Projects
- Thomas Etter (Winter 2010, Semester project) Translating MXQuery into JavaScript
- Beat Steiger (Summer 2010, Master's thesis) Provenance in XQuery
- Michael Schaufelberger(Summer 2010, Master's thesis) An XQuery Entity Extraction Library (with D. Kossmann)
- Aayush Garg (Spring 2010, Master's thesis) Pattern Matching in XQuery
- Tahmineh Sanamrat (Winter 2009, Master's thesis) Dynamic Modification of Continuous Queries
- Silvio Kohler (Spring 2009, Master's thesis) Complex Event Processing on an Enterprise Service Bus
- Marco Stöckli: (Spring 2009, Master's thesis) Transaction Patterns: Design and Java Framework (with D. Kossmann and Credit Suisse)
- Julia Imhof (Fall 2008, Master's thesis) Evaluation Strategies for XQuery Full Text
- Anadeshwar Singh (Fall 2008, Master's thesis) An XQuery Benchmarking Service
- Kostis Tsoulos (Summer 2008, Master's thesis) XML Schema support in MXQuery
- Matthias Braun (Spring 2008, Master's thesis, Uni Heidelberg) Parallel Window Processing in MXQuery
- Gabriel Petrovay (Spring 2008, Master's thesis) XQuery(P) Debugging - IDE and engine support
- Christian Tarnutzer (Spring 2008, Master's thesis) Streaming XQueryP
- Kostis Tsoulos (Winter 2007, Semester project) Cross-Compiling Unity in XQuery
- Julia Imhof (Summer 2007, Semester project) XQuery Full Text Support in MXQuery
- Anandeshwar Singh (Summer 2007, Semester project) TCP-H in XQuery on Oracle 10g
- Yin Xiaoping (Spring 2007, Semester project) Eclipse Plugin for XQueryP
- Andri Bühler (Spring 2007, Semester project) Configurability in the Micro XQuery Engine
- David Graf (Sprig 2007, Master's thesis) Implementation of XQueryP
- Tim Kraska (Fall 2006, Diploma thesis) Continuous XQuery Processing (with Donald Kossmann)
- Mario Tadey (Winter 2005, Master's thesis) Batched Processing for Updates and Messages in a Context-Aware Information Filter
- Julia Imhof (Fall 2005, Semester project): High availability and failover for Information Filters
- Nadine Schmidt, (Spring 2004, Diploma thesis, Uni Heidelberg) Optimierung von Informationsfiltern durch Batching