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Seminar Web Science


Prof. Dr. Peter M. Fischer

Prof Dr. Günter Müller

Dr. Rafael Accorsi



The overall topic will be Security and Privacy in User Profiling

Specific topics will listed on a separate page, including references

Assignment of Topics to Students and supervisors

Application Procedure

  • We kindly ask prospective participants to apply via HIS-LSF for participation in the indicated seminar.
  • Please note that the number of participants is limited to 12. Students on the waiting list may be accepted if other students drop out, the latest at the preparation meeting.


  • The seminar is organized as a bloc seminar, consisting of preparation meeting, an introduction presentation and two sessions, each with mandatory participation.
    • April 29th, 12:15: Preparation Meeting- topic assignment
    • May 6th , 12:15 - 14:00 Introduction presentations on Social Network Analysis and Privacy (by the hosts)
    • July 8th, 9:00 - 15:00 -  First presentation session
    • July 15th, 9:00 - 15:00 - Second presentation session
  • All meetings will take place at SR 02-017, building 052
  • Report templates: Word/Latex
  • Presentation template (PPTX)


Prerequisites for Passing

  • Participation in all sessions
  • Submission of written report (5-10 pages using the template) by early June
  • Oral presentation of each participant (English or German); presentation 40 mins, discussion and question 10 mins; note that presentations  need to follow the format template handed out in the first session
  • Final presentations need to be submitted two weeks before the presentations. Participation in discussions and the quality of questions raised is also part of the final grade assigned
  • The final grade is composed 75% oral presentation plus participation in discussions and 25% written report



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