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Seminar Web Science


Prof. Dr. Peter M. Fischer

Prof Dr. Günter Müller

Dr. Rafael Accorsi


[28.05.2014] Update on report deadline: Please aim for June 9th as report hand-in

[19.04.2014] Topics assignment posted, update on introduction session

[08.04.2014] Topic list and dates posted


The overall topic will be Security and Privacy in Social Network Analysis

Specific topics are listed on a separate page, including references

Assignments of Topics to Students (and Advisors)

Application Procedure

  • We kindly ask prospective participants to apply via HIS-LSF for participation in the indicated seminar.
  • Please note that the number of participants is limited to 12. Students on the waiting list may be accepted if other students drop out, the latest at the preparation meeting.


  • The seminar is organized as a bloc seminar, consisting of preparation meeting, an introduction presentation and two sessions, each with mandatory participation.
    • April 17th, 14:00 (SR 00-006, building 051): Preparation Meeting- topic assignment
    • April 23rd (SR 04-007, building 106), 13:00 - 15:00 Introduction presentations on Social Network Analysis and Privacy (by the hosts)
    • July 10th, 9:00 - 15:00 (SR 00-006, building 051) -  First presentation session
    • July 17th, 9:00 - 15:00 (SR 00-006, building 051) - Second presentation session
  • Report templates: Word/Latex
  • Presentation template (PPTX)


Prerequisites for Passing

  • Participation in all sessions
  • Submission of written report (5-10 pages using the template) by June 9th
  • Oral presentation of each participant (English or German); presentation 40 mins, discussion and question 10 mins; note that presentations have to be in PPT(X) and need to follow the format template handed out in the first session
  • Final presentations need to be submitted two weeks before the presentations. Participation in discussions and the quality of questions raised is also part of the final grade assigned
  • The final grade is composed 75% oral presentation plus participation in discussions and 25% written report



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