Team Project: Social Media Analysis
Organisational Matters
Introductory Meeting: Wednesday April 20th 2016
Room: Building. 51, SR 01-029
Time: 13 am (intoductory meeting, after that scheduled meetings)
Language: German / English
Master of Science: 3rd Semester (Teamproject / Masterproject)
ECTS: 16
Overall Topic
Social media has begun to dominate many aspects of our everyday lives from information to entertainment up to elaborate remote social relations. People can create content, share it and propagate it at incredible rates, over virtually unlimited distances with no noticeable delay. Furthermore, social media provides new ways to cultivate social relationships in new, often surprising ways, as the rise of services like Facebook (for relationships), Foursquare (for geographic communities) or Instagram (for photos communities) has shown.
This enormous wealth of information opens up many new opportunities for both the research community and practical applications. Researches can gain significant knowledge on how humans interact and information is spreading, while individual users as well as service providers may benefit from new, interesting services.
In this lab, we develop and implement responsive und scalable methods to analyse media like Twitter. This year's focus will be on classifying user roles in information diffusion
Individual Topics
- Identifying patterns of diffusion:
- Identifying user roles in cascades
- Reconstruction and Comparative Analysis of Diffusion Datasets: Twitter, Vine, Instagram.